PostDocs at ICCG

The International Center for Climate Governance (ICCG) - a joint initiative of the Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) and the Fondazione Giorgio Cini -  encourages to submit applications for two six-month visiting research positions for Phd Students or PostDocs. Research activities will be carried out in ICCG's offices, based on the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice, Italy.

ICCG research is characterised by an interdisciplinary approach, gathering experts in different fields such as policy, history, architecture, natural sciences. The crucial common denominator is the focus on the integration of the social, political, cultural and economic dimensions of climate change. 

The successful applicants will work with the ICCG team on the following aspects of climate change governance:
  • the role of existing institutions and the definition of alternative models of governance for the control of climate change;
  • the international negotiation process towards the building of a post-2012 climate agreement;
  • the evolution of different domestic interests and their influence in shaping international climate policy;
  • best practices for public private partnerships to tackle climate change;
  • the interrelationships between climate change and urban development.
During the visiting period, the researchers are also expected to contribute to the development of two observatories devoted to i) the mapping of the climate change think tanks worldwide and ii) the mapping and showcasing of the best practices (new technologies, scientific articles or publications, political actions, local or international decisions, business initiatives, discoveries, cultural initiatives, events) for tackling climate change. 

ICCG offers a truly international and interdisciplinary workplace. The strong ties with a world-wide network of research institutions engaged in the analysis of climate change issues under different perspectives allows a continuous fruitful exchange of experiences. A full range of the ICCG activities is available at

The successful candidates are expected to begin their research stay in October 2011. 
They will be granted a EUR 1000/month gross salary and will be lodged in the prestigious Vittore Branca Residence of Fondazione Giorgio Cini, on the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, for six months.

The candidates are expected to have sound knowledge in climate policy and should be PhD students or have finished their PhD in environmental/ecological economics or environmental sciences with focus on climate adaptation measures and policies. A multidisciplinary background is welcome. Long standing research experience (>4 years) can substitute the PhD degree. An excellent command of written and spoken English is essential for this position. Knowledge of Italian language is not required.

Applicants should send the following documents to

  • a research project within the ICCG research fields (min. 1000 words);
  • a letter with the applicant's motivation;
  • a detailed curriculum vitae with a full list of publications.
  • ICCG will begin considering candidates in July 2011 and will continue until the positions are filled.